Saturday, December 31, 2016
New Orleans Wild Wheels Car Show 2017
The "BAJA BANDEETO" will be at the New Orleans Wild Wheels Car show in New Orleans Louisiana super dome this March 17-18-19th

Detroit Auto-Rama Detroit MI 2017
Darryl Starbird custom car show Tulsa OK, 2017
Beatnik Bandit Update!!!
So as many of you know my friend "Zim" and I have what we call "Fun with Fritz Fridays" where we work on the bandit and get BBQ for lunch! this past Friday was no different, after looking over photos I took of the real car and measurements I took off the real car and comparing them to my clone we decided that some plaster needed to come off the top of the rear body. I actually used an old axe to shave off the still damp plaster that had been on there for months! I also put some sheet rock screws along the wood ring i made for the tail light panel to help hold the plaster in place as last time I put plaster on the plywood ring it didn't hold so good and was on the garage floor the next morning. all in all on this last day of the year I think the ass end is shaping up quite nicely. it pays to do squares i guess ;)
make the new years resolution to spent more time in the garage being creative and less time on face book, your phone and in front of the TV, brig the kids in the garage and build a go-kart or a hoped up valve cover for the car show valve cover races, just "Get out in the garage and build something" _FRITZ

Thursday, December 22, 2016
Model A Ford Madness!!!!
SO for anyone out there that may have my "How to chop a Model A Ford at home" DVD this is the same coupe from that DVD. Its back for me to do some more work on, I've been doing sub rails and what not but I will do a post on the rear quarter panel pocket patches you can get at most every restoration place in the USA. From what I have been hearing from guys is that they all Suck, they don't fit worth a Snot, my pics below are photo proof. I could tell right away that this patch would end up about 1/4 of an inch off, I cut it into pieces and worked each one to fit as I went along, on the first patch I used a flat chisel to move a body line over about 1/8th of an inch, got the first one welded in and then the next piece was just a matter of trimming it till the body line met up, the last piece is the proof in the pudding, Yup about 1/4 of an inch just shy of doing its job. instead of trying to weld a tiny piece of steel in there I grabbed a small piece of sheet steel and bead rolled my own body line and will make a tiny patch of my own. what have you guys been doing, Id love to hear from you SPRITZBYFRITZ@AOL.COM now get out in the garage and build something! --FRITZ

Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
2016 Hot Rod Holiday Custom Car Show Springfield Missouri
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Beatnik Bandit clone project update, Brining up the rear!
I had the back of the Beatnik Bandit clone project all plastered up and was doing most of my work on other areas of the car but came to a point where I needed to get the tail light area or rear end of the car shaped out. I ended up braking away all the plaster and spit wads I had set up off the body to start over again but with a better idea. Some old archived photos of Ed "Big Daddy" Roth building the real bandit came out of hiding and were posted online, I think it was the Hot Rod magazine website. but anyone thats a RatFink fan was posting them all over the internet and Facebook etc. I pulled them offline and printed them out, there is a wealth of information hidden in old photos like this. I was trying to make a solid wall of plaster & spit wads and after seeing the photos how Ed did it I changed my plan of attack!!! ED just had the rear tail light area kind of "framed out" so to do this in our day and age after the real car being built i went to the Revell model kit and took the tail light panel off the parts spar, put it on the old overhead projector and adjusted the image into the known perimeters and just traced it out onto a piece of 3/4 inch ply wood to make a frame, I'll figure out how to get it "hanging" on the car so i can build the plaster up around it later in life. but right now we are on track and moving in a positive direction!
Get out in the garage and build something!!!!!!! --FRITZ

Monday, November 14, 2016
Dad's chopper gas tank, making something from junk.
OK, so as I have said while at the recycling yard one day selling my scrap steel I found this dented up sportster gas tank sitting on a pile of junk, so i tossed it in the back of my truck, Ya know, it might come in handy one day. I cut the bottom out of it and split it down the middle. I wanted to narrow it up a bit to go with the flow of the bike. After i got the two sides tack welded together I made up a new tunnel out of #16 gauge steel. I bent it around a piece of pipe fit it into the tank cavity and marked it off with a sharpie then cut it to size. I had a pro works bung & cap on hand so I'm using them, I made up a vent tube out of a piece of brake line I had laying around the garage. this is a s far as I have gotten. Im doing this in my spare time between Bill's Pontiac and a model A ford I took in this winter.
what are you guys doing? get out in the garage and build something!!!!! FRITZ

Saturday, November 5, 2016
Dad's soft tail chopper project....
not much to update but i figured one on Dads project would be nice as I haven't done one on this bike in a long while. about two years ago while cashing in my scrap metal for donut & coffee money I found this Sportster custom gas tank sitting in the pile, I tossed it in my truck thinking, what self respecting Harley guy tosses a gas tank that just needs to be repaired or whatever????? well I think we are gonna use it on Dad's Bike, I'll cut the bottom out of it and the guts then maybe narrow it and inch. Thats all I got for now but I do have some interesting jobs in the works, Stay tuned! now get out in the garage and build something! -FRITZ

Tuesday, October 25, 2016
"Make Small Fiberglass Molds at Home" DVD!
I borrowed an old 1980's Arlen Ness digger rear fender from my Friend Al so I could make a mold off it for my New DVD "how to make small fiberglass molds at home" the piece came out great and I got it all on film, I wanted to also film installing it on a real bike to show that a home made part is in fact a real world usable part! but I never installed a Ness fender before, As a Kid I never had the money for such a big name part. so I wanted to use it on my shovel head super glide and am getting it done, here are a few pics to keep you cats up to speed. Get out in the garage and build something ---FRITZ

Sunday, October 16, 2016
pics from"Iron Invasion" 2016
The Iron Invasion was a good time, Met a lot of people I haven't seen in a long time. it is defiantly a hard core show "rain or shine" and it did "drizzle" a bit this year but it didn't stop anyone from having a good time, that pretty much describes the show right there "rain or shine - always a good time"

Friday, September 16, 2016
I will be at the "Iron Invasion" car show in woodstock IL. October 1st with all my Spritz by Fritz Merch and the "Baja Bandeeto" I have never been to this show but I like what I hear about it, IT might be 70 degrees, it might sprinkle a bit and when you wake up it might be snowing, who cares its all good and for a great cause "helping Hana's Hart"!!!!! I love a surprise anyway, stop on by and have a good time, I know I will and if you don't show up you better be "In the garage building something" -----FRITZ
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
New DVD on the way, "Small fiberglass mold making"
I've been working on this old "Arlen Ness" digger rear fender for a Harley 4 speed swing arm frame. I borrowed a real deal one from my friend "Knucklehead AL" so I could make a fiberglass mold off it and be able to make a few for myself. it is the last chapter in the new DVD i have been filming "How to make small fiberglass molds and parts at home" its been a lot more time consuming then i thought it would be and I am trying to get it done without freaking out over little issues. what are you guys building? Get out in the garage and build something! ____FRITZ
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Grease-A-Rama 2016
Thats right all you weirdo's & Bubble top fans, I'll be at GreaseArama in Kansas City this weekend with the "Baja Bandeeto" stop by and check out the car, the official Spritz by Fritz Merch, and I'll even have my paint box to paint some slobbering monsters
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
mental health time away
I aint easy being me, or green from what I hear on the street. sesame street that is, I had surgery for of all things a herniated belly button, post op this required me to not lift anything of 20 pounds or more, so I was pretty much dead in the water with nothing to do but paint slobbering monsters and such while the "real work" pilled up. so I had to be out of the shop some how for six weeks, My big brutha from another mother Poncho Bill (Im working on his 1957 Pontiac) bought my wife and I a cruise ship ride to Bermuda. so Bill & his lady friend my wife and I sipped boat drinks and ate at the late night Buffett for a week, I had 2 weeks of slobbering monster painting right out of surgery then we drove to NYC and left for the week to Bermuda then once back a week of visiting friends and remembering why we left Long Island (its a shit hole i don't care what you say) then the drive back, I am overwhelmed and swamped with things that need to get done so it will be a while till i get my ass back in gear, a Big Thanks to brutha Bill, I really needed to be "un plugged' from the world for a while, sometimes you don't know how much you need it until you do it.
time to get back in the garage and build something ----FRITZ
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Dad's Soft tail chopper shotgun pipes!
I got stymied on Bill's Pontiac, I had to order a set of rear Body mount bushings so I started making a set of shotGun Pipes for Dads chopped soft tail project. I had a purple softy I built in the early 90's (see iron horse magazine) with a set of pipes like this and Pop & I liked 'em so here I am doing the same thing again. Just like back in the day I got my pipe bends from the stock exhaust systems that guys take off and trash for straight pipes. Those and a 7 foot length of 1 3/4 exhaust tubing from the auto store and I am on my way! I got Bill's Bushings this saturday so I'd like to button up the exhaust system so I can put the bike on the side and get back on the Pontiac, "Get out in the Garage and build something" ---FRITZ-------------------------------

Friday, July 1, 2016
Ed "Big Daddy" Roth's "MYSTERION" clone.
So I am friends with the nice fellow on Facebook, Mr Jeffery Jones, he's from California and has almost the same fascination with crazy Ed Roth show rods as I do and Im guessing a lot of you out there, there is one special car he thinks is the Rat Finks knees and thats the twin engine show rod sensation "Mysterion" some of you know and some of you may not know that I painted and pinstriped the clone that Dave Shuten built in the early 2000's that now sits in the Galpin Ford show room. Its a great Car but Jeffery's "Mysterion" is better, way Better! how so you may ask, It took him a long, long time to build this car. I remember it from at least 10 plus years ago, seeing pics on the internet and such, His "Mysterion" is more "SPOT ON" then the Galpin car. its in the details, the subtle little thing that unless you are really, really, really into this stuff probably wouldn't notice, if I had to pick one to be the best representation of true to Ed Roth's original car I would have to go with Jeff's "Mysterion" he has written a book about his car building adventure that you can buy offline called "Ed Roth's Mysterion" search for it on Amazon, it sells for $35.00 bucks, I need to get a copy myself. one thing Id like to point out is that It took Jeff sometime from start to finish to get this Fantastic Show Rod done! don't give up on your project! get off the couch and turn off the TV, Gilligan never gets off the Island gang! Get out in the garage and build something BUILD!!!!!!!!! -- FRITZ

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