Every time that Elton John song comes on the shop radio, "I'm still standing", that's what I'm singing along in my head "I'm still sanding."
There is a lot of time that goes into building one of these crazy one off show cars, even if you are not trying to be perfect, its still a ton of work, even to just look good. I tipped the body on its side and let it rest on an old car tire, and got the passenger side cove finished off pretty nice. It was a bit of a hassle to get the body filler on the under side of the body flair, but I got it done, and it looks real good to me. So far the count is 14 gallons of filler. I'm betting that there are maybe 2 or 3 of 'em laying in dust on the garage floor. I got the frame into primer, and even got it painted gloss black, but I only have a pic of it in prime right now.
I got a bit slowed down 'cause I had to do a rush custom paint job for my mate "Hugh" of Sixth Street Special" in New York City. I'd post a pic for you guys, but we are making Hugh sweat it out, I don't want him to even get a spy shot sneak peak, till he opens the boxes after UPS drops them off. Sorry Hugh, but we just love to torment ya mate. After painting Greaser MIke's flat track Triumph race bike, it seems Hugh just had to have some Fritz Flash also. The race track has never looked so good!
Remember you guys that bought a dvd from me, lets see how you are making out with your project. If I use it on my blog, I'll ship you a FREE T-shirt! That's right a FREE T-shirt, just for doing what you love to do anyway, That's a deal and ya know it!
I want to wish all you crazy freaks a very Merry Christmas, Seasons greetings, what ever you are into, and a happy, safe and fantastic new year!
Keep them stick welders buzzing, and the shop light burning !
Get out in the garage and build something !