Well I got the new Neck machined for my knuckle frame. I cut the old forging off and placed my neck in the jig and set it all at 30 deg's then I went and cut off the whole shebang, just in front of the seat post and above the side car forgings, I made more tube slugs, cut the back bone and tacked it in place, got the down tubes cut and tacked in place, etc etc, theres gonna be a lot of the same kinda posts from me as I have an Indian frame to do after this and I'm doing a unit Triumph after that so lots of tube slugs, fitting and tack welding in place, etc. the new Hobart TIG welder is amazing, "How did i live with out it" I even tried it on a patch panel on Bills Pontiac and it was "awesome" Well I got all the knuckle tubes welded in place and I even went through the effort of boxing the neck and to add factory looking gussets so that when its all molded in it will have that "vintage molded look" like it did in the 70's
a little something else I did was to machine a couple pieces of scrap tubing and make a set of side car loops! why the hell not, it will give the frame a bit more of a "less butchered look" this is what I have been up to, How about you, my old neighborhood in NY and most of the east coast got hit with a nasty snow storm this weekend so you guys should just make a pot of coffee and high tail it into the garage and build some cool shit 'cause yer asses won't be going anyplace for a while! get out in that garage and build something!- - - - - - - - -- Fritz...................