He bought both my DVD's "How to Paint Your Motorcycle at Home" & "Build a Fiberglass Body at Home", along with his e-mail he sent some pics of the gas tank he painted for his Chopper! A great job I think! I'm gonna attach his e-mail just for giggles.
If any of you guys out there bought one of my DVD's and built or painted something I'd love to see it, maybe it will make it onto the blog (I only have so much space though)
"I now have both your videos. I have to say that they are both fantastic. Thanks so very much for putting them out there. Thanks also for the primer recommendation from a couple of months ago. I have been using U-Pol Reface with decent results. It's just a bear to get thru a gun as it needs a 2.5 tip. So, I may go shopping again. We'll see.
By any chance, do you have any painter type friends in the NYC/North NJ area that you could put me in touch with to help me out with striping and lettering? It's what I struggle with the most. Any help would be appreciated. Take a look at my site. Let me know what you think. I feel it's pretty obvious that I need help in the striping area. I am also attaching a pic of my latest tank. Let me know what you think.
Thanks in advance. Let me know when the next vid is coming out and what it will be."
- Christopher Morris
P.S. for Pin striping guys that I know of in the NY, NJ area look up these guys
Gary "The Local Brush" Merrick Long Island
Alex in wonderland Wantagh Long Island
Johnny Ace Suffolk Long Island
Joe Sullpy Northern NJ (around the GW bridge)
Allen Johnson NJ