Ed "Big Daddy" Roth Passed on this day in 2001 March 4, 1932 - April 4, 2001
Everyone has a story, everyone loves "Rat Fink". Like most, as a kid I dug building those slobbering monster models. I loved their out of proportion hot rods, the bubbletop model car kits, and those crazy t-shirts! We all did it.
As I got older and moved into building choppers good Ol' "Big Daddy's" Influence was still in there, and just as strong. One day it all just kind of "POPPED" for me. Something in the cosmos triggered a switch in my brain, and I had to build a car Just like "Big Daddy Roth". So, I built the "Roswell Rod". He was still with us when I started, but not long after that, my little project became a tribute to my hero.
I am pretty sure Ed would tell you just as I do and on this day more then ever,
get out in the garage and build something.