Somewhere along the line i lost a few pics but I posted what I have. The new inner & outer rocker Are installed, the front floor brace and frame support are installed both I had to make from scratch, Also I had to replace a section of the frame side to have a place to install the floor support. The lower quarter panel patch I cut down so I wouldn't have to disturb the original fender lip and it also lacked the lower lip that the rocker panel had to spot weld it to the lower inner rocker so I had to bend a piece of steel on my brake and weld that on as well. all in all the car is coming along great, I'm just taking my time enjoying the work and getting it done right! I did spend a bit of time reshaping the lower door corner (which meant taking the door on and off a few times) and the rocker panel & quarter panel area that meet it, Ya gotta have a nice door line all the way around! the more time you spend now will be less time you spend later. Keep checking back gang!
Get out in the garage and build something! FRITZ