Back in 1996 a few guys were working on choppers in the lower east side of New York City. A bunch of no names building choppers in an era of pink softails with billet parts galore. Paul Cox, Indian Larry, myself (Fritz Schenck) and Steg Von Heintz out of Psycho Cycles. Kind of a Chopper artists community if you will. One of the most famous bikes to come out of the shop was Indian Larry's "Voodoo Chili".
After a hard life in the streets of NYC Larry broke the bike down and built it up again into the "Grease Monkey". Ah but what became of the old tank & frame? No one knew. Well it was around, in hiding, out of the light, in good hands. I wasn't going to post or say a word about this bike, but with current events in the east coast chopper world, and my own life, I figured what the hell! Now if you are one of the few that know who owns what's left of "Voodoo Chili" keep yer trap shut, I promised not to tell, consider yourself one of the inner circle, and you should do the same. Let's just say its kinda "in the family". I gotta say its kind of odd to "restore" a paint job I did so many years ago, I don't know if it just makes me feel old, or like I have made it in the industry. It's also odd to restore a paint job that I did for a friend that has passed on. Another bike that resurfaced was my own ride a purple FLST called the "Skirt Chaser" still in the paint job I laid out years ago. it looks a little different then when I built it, but this fella e-mails me and wants me to "authenticate" that the bike was built by me and was in fact mine.
Funny how things turn out, and my body shop teacher said I'd never make it in the auto body field, LOL.

Larry burning the chili

Voo Doo Chili back in the day

Voo Doo Chili in my spare bedroom today.

Clearly visible are the war wounds of the lower east side of NYC

The name says it all

Ratfink hand painted by Andrea a friend of Larry's

seat post tube painted by Andrea

My old soft tail "Skirt Chaser" sporting a lot of billet I would never put on it.

It was featured in "Iron Horse" magazine if you have a copy you can see it with its original rear fender, headlight etc. etc.